Watermelon Rebel

Watermelon Rebel

Watermelon Energy Drink

The Watermelon Rebel Energy Drink is an invigorating and rejuvenating blast of energy made from the Dutch Bros Rebel Energy Drink, drenched in the fruity deliciousness of watermelon syrup. It is a great way to kick off your day and boost your mood with its energizing and refreshing properties.

Watermelon Rebel Nutritional Guide

Watermelon Rebel AttributesBlended SmallBlended MediumBlended LargeIced SmallIced MediumIced Large
Total Calories (kcal)250410560190230370
Calories from Fat000000
Total Fat (g)000000
Saturated Fat (g)000000
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)000000
Sodium (mg)7511014085120160
Total Carbs (g)65105144475992
Dietary Fiber (g)000000
Total Sugars (g)64103142465789
Protein (g)122112
Caffeine (mg)7010013080114151

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