Oat Milk Latte

Oat Milk Latte

Espresso, Oat Milk

Our Oat Milk Latte and the regular Milk latte are the two oat milk recipes we serve that everyone loves . It is plant-based and it’s a mixture of nuts and oats with water. You can make your own, but it can be very fussy.

Oat Milk Latte Nutritional Guide

Oat Milk Latte AttributeHot SmallHot MediumHot LargeIced SmallIced MediumIced Large
Total Calories (kcal)230320380140230290
Calories from Fat901301405090110
Total Fat (g)10141661012
Saturated Fat (g)1.52211.51.5
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)000000
Sodium (mg)200280320120200240
Total Carbs (g)304148193037
Dietary Fiber (g)223123
Total Sugars (g)456245
Protein (g)689467
Caffeine (mg)95951909595190

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