Iced Golden Eagle HERO

Golden Eagle

Vanilla & Caramel Breve w/ Caramel Drizzle

A signature creation - The Golden Eagle - the creamy breve boasting strong espresso, mixed with a dollop of half and half, vanilla syrup and caramel sauce, then topped with whipped cream and a caramel sauce drizzle. You can have it hot, iced, or blended, so it fits every day!

Golden Eagle Nutritional Guide

ItemGolden Eagle Hot LargeGolden Eagle Hot MediumGolden Eagle Hot SmallGolden Eagle Iced LargeGolden Eagle Iced MediumGolden Eagle Iced Small
Total Calories (kcal)700620480560480340
Calories from Fat (kcal)440380270330270160
Total Fat (g)494230363018
Saturated Fat (g)322820242012
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)16014010012010060
Sodium (mg)360320230280230150
Total Carbs (g)504743464339
Dietary Fiber (g)111111
Total Sugars (g)434137393733
Protein (g)17141012106
Caffeine (mg)19296961929696
AllergiesContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains Milk

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