Golden Eagle
Vanilla & Caramel Breve w/ Caramel Drizzle
A signature creation - The Golden Eagle - the creamy breve boasting strong espresso, mixed with a dollop of half and half, vanilla syrup and caramel sauce, then topped with whipped cream and a caramel sauce drizzle. You can have it hot, iced, or blended, so it fits every day!
Golden Eagle Nutritional Guide
Item Golden Eagle Hot Large Golden Eagle Hot Medium Golden Eagle Hot Small Golden Eagle Iced Large Golden Eagle Iced Medium Golden Eagle Iced Small Type Hot Hot Hot Iced Iced Iced Size Large Medium Small Large Medium Small Total Calories (kcal) 700 620 480 560 480 340 Calories from Fat (kcal) 440 380 270 330 270 160 Total Fat (g) 49 42 30 36 30 18 Saturated Fat (g) 32 28 20 24 20 12 Trans Fat (g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cholesterol (mg) 160 140 100 120 100 60 Sodium (mg) 360 320 230 280 230 150 Total Carbs (g) 50 47 43 46 43 39 Dietary Fiber (g) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Sugars (g) 43 41 37 39 37 33 Protein (g) 17 14 10 12 10 6 Caffeine (mg) 192 96 96 192 96 96 Allergies Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk