Creamy Vanilla Protein Latte

Double Torture

Extra Double Shot Vanilla Mocha

Double your espresso, double your energy. Go full-gear with the Dutch Bros' double Torture. A delightful combination of our strong coffee mixed with vanilla syrup, alongside chocolate milk and an extra two shots of espresso, plus whipped cream! Can be served hot, iced, or blended!

Double Torture Nutritional Guide

ItemDouble Torture Hot LargeDouble Torture Hot MediumDouble Torture Hot SmallDouble Torture Iced LargeDouble Torture Iced MediumDouble Torture Iced Small
Total Calories (kcal)500430310380310190
Calories from Fat (kcal)140110701007035
Total Fat (g)151381183.5
Saturated Fat (g)1085752.5
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)555030403015
Sodium (mg)37032020026020085
Total Carbs (g)786852625235
Dietary Fiber (g)211211
Total Sugars (g)716347554732
Protein (g)171491295
Caffeine (mg)290190190290190190
AllergiesContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains Milk

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