Double Rainbro

Double Rainbro

Strawberry, Peach & Coconut

The Double Rainbro Rebel Energy Drink is a bright and tropical drink from Dutch Bros, which can be your sun on a cloudy day. It blends the energetic content of the Dutch Bros Rebel Energy Drink with yummy strawberry, peach, and coconut syrups. The drink can be customized to be consumed as iced or blended varieties.

Double Rainbro Nutritional Guide

Double Rainbro AttributesBlended SmallBlended MediumBlended LargeIced SmallIced MediumIced Large
Total Calories (kcal)260430570200240380
Calories from Fat000000
Total Fat (g)000000
Saturated Fat (g)000000
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)000000
Sodium (mg)7511013085120160
Total Carbs (g)67109144496196
Dietary Fiber (g)000000
Total Sugars (g)66106140475892
Protein (g)122112
Caffeine (mg)7010012076114151

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