cold brew

Cold Brew

Refreshing & Bold

Dutch Bros' Cold Brew is refreshing, smooth, and yet mesmerizing. Cold Brew latte is a drop less acidic than the regular coffee and is high in caffeine content. Its preparation involves changing the ingredients with your favorite one and it's suitable for both drinks over ice or toasted!

Cold Brew Nutritional Guide

Cold Brew AttributeIced SmallIced MediumIced Largew/ Cream Smallw/ Cream Mediumw/ Cream Largew/ Soft Top Smallw/ Soft Top Mediumw/ Soft Top LargeMedium
Total Calories (kcal)10152080809011011012020
Calories from Fat0005050507070700
Total Fat (g)0006668880
Saturated Fat (g)0004447770
Trans Fat (g)0000000000
Cholesterol (mg)0002020205550
Sodium (mg)3550706585100557590160
Total Carbs (g)23445689103
Dietary Fiber (g)0000000000
Total Sugars (g)0002225550
Protein (g)1113332121
Caffeine (mg)151226301151226301113188264295
AllergiesNoneNoneNoneContains MilkContains MilkContains MilkContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, SoyNone

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