Caramel Mocha
Upgrade your caramel mocha and reach a new height by trying a Caramelizer. Dutch Bros brings you this special drink that is made out of our strong coffee, black coffee milk, caramel syrup and crowned with whipped cream. It is obtainable as a hot, iced or blended type!
Caramelizer Nutritional Guide
Item Caramelizer Hot Large Caramelizer Hot Medium Caramelizer Hot Small Caramelizer Iced Large Caramelizer Iced Medium Caramelizer Iced Small Type Hot Hot Hot Iced Iced Iced Size Large Medium Small Large Medium Small Total Calories (kcal) 610 540 420 490 420 300 Calories from Fat (kcal) 190 160 120 150 120 80 Total Fat (g) 21 18 14 16 14 9 Saturated Fat (g) 13 12 9 10 9 6 Trans Fat (g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cholesterol (mg) 75 65 50 60 50 30 Sodium (mg) 500 440 320 380 320 210 Total Carbs (g) 92 82 65 75 65 49 Dietary Fiber (g) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Sugars (g) 80 72 57 65 57 41 Protein (g) 18 15 11 14 11 6 Caffeine (mg) 190 95 95 190 95 95 Allergies Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk Contains Milk