DutchBros 2024Q2 CaramelPumpkinBruleeBreveIced 512

Caramel Pumpkin Brûlée Breve

The Caramel Pumpkin Brulee at Dutch Bros is a drink you can only find in autumn. It is a drink that features pumpkin and salted caramel flavors. It comes as a Breve, Cold Brew, or Freeze and is finished off with Soft Top, pumpkin drizzle, and raw sugar. The Breve and Cold Brew versions use half-and-half, which is a sweet, creamy treat that is just right for the chilly days of fall.

Caramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Nutritional Guide

ItemCaramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Hot LargeCaramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Hot MediumCaramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Hot SmallCaramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Iced LargeCaramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Iced MediumCaramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve Iced Small
Type Hot Hot Hot Iced Iced Iced
Total Calories (kcal)720640500580500360
Calories from Fat (kcal)430370260320260150
Total Fat (g)474129352917
Saturated Fat (g)343022262213
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)13511575957535
Sodium (mg)380340260300260180
Total Carbs (g)595652555247
Dietary Fiber (g)111111
Total Sugars (g)535147494743
Protein (g)161391295
Caffeine (mg)19095951909595
AllergiesContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, SoyContains Milk, Soy

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