

Espresso and Water

Our Americano is our special brew that we have espresso shots of the Dutch Bros Private Reserve coffee blend which is bright, with subtle hints of nuts and mild cocoa beans, to be brewed with water! The Americano is the calm strength of a coffee cup that you look for, which will still give you the kick you want!

Americano Nutritional Guide

Americano AttributesHot SmallHot MediumHot LargeIced SmallIced MediumIced Large
Total Calories (kcal)101020101020
Calories from Fat005005
Total Fat (g)000000
Saturated Fat (g)000000
Trans Fat (g)000000
Cholesterol (mg)000000
Sodium (mg)10152051015
Total Carbs (g)223223
Dietary Fiber (g)111111
Total Sugars (g)000000
Protein (g)111111
Caffeine (mg)96961929696192

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